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Year: 2023

November 27, 2023 TauseefKazmi No Comments

Intoxications and Social Restrictions

In the interplay between personal indulgence and the boundaries set by society, a captivating paradox emerges – the allure of intoxication. This is a story that unfolds like a novel, one where the protagonist, when slightly intoxicated, finds themselves in a state of profound tranquility. In this altered state of being, every facet of their […]

November 27, 2023 TauseefKazmi No Comments

Mystery of Human Desire

In the intricate tapestry of human existence, the perpetual fascination with the creation of the opposite sex is a mystery that has puzzled minds for eons. It is rooted in the primal instincts etched into our very biology, an unwavering drive to ensure the continuation of our species. Through this lens, what appears as lust […]