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Divine Wisdom: Embracing Life’s Purpose and Righteous Path – A Message from my Lord

Dear Son of Adam,

O Son of Adam, your Lord has been with you since you were engraved, a liquid mixture, and breathing with the heartbeat of your mother. And I boiled the pot for you in there, even though you were not aware of the destitution. I passed my shadow to your mother to bring you up with the utmost care, love, and affection.  Your Lord is the creator of this universe and all the living things hanging between this time, space, and universe.  Beware of Satan, who has given respite to waylay my men on earth, as he waylaid Adam and Eve in heaven. O Son of Adam! Do not let Satan seduce you, as he drove your parents out of the garden, stripping them of their garments to show them their nakedness. Your Lord has given you this life with purpose, a purpose that is revealed to you in scripture. And don’t let yourself indulge in feelings of self-pity, regrets, and abandonment.  Do you prefer the present life to the Hereafter? The enjoyment of the present life, compared to the hereafter, is only a little, so choose the better. What I know, you do not know.

This life is not given to you to follow your carnal desires and instinctual intimacy, despite control over them, to follow the right path of righteousness, in order that your reverence catches the attention of mankind into good deeds. Your reward would be great if you repented for all those sins you committed and were ashamed of them, so don’t blame me or your nurture. Your lord is merciful and gracious and cannot give more weight than your capacity, so say thanks to your lord, who has selected you for this test to make you stronger.

O my men, don’t you know that as your self decreases, the divine or Me (God) increases, and whoever finds me (God) then becomes mortal and successful in this life and the next? Since you are not aware of the divine purpose and fruits I have for you in this life and hereafter, why are you so depressed and feeling less worthy? Hence, if you believe I am watchful for my men, so be my men. Despite the several diseases I put on you, always remember that it is Me (God) who gives you rise and new birth every morning from the state of being dead, to start a new journey towards gratification, and to follow the right path. I have made countless things on this earth for you and then given capacity to your senses to extract taste, pleasure, and contentment from them. How can you deny my blessings?  I am always looking for my men on earth since these are the best creatures for me so far, and be remembered that if you believe in me and act righteously, your reward is that you will have gardens beneath which rivers flow hereafter.

Stay blessed.


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