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Category: blank verses

January 19, 2024 TauseefKazmi No Comments

“Lost in the Abyss of madness”

“In a spur of the moment, I often swamped into a deep ocean of insanity, moved in the dark, and felt the moist atmosphere around me… I can hear my breath growing faster as I feel the danger approaching And I am far away from being sane.” Tauseef Kazmi

November 28, 2023 TauseefKazmi No Comments

Ravenous Instincts: A Tale of Endless Hunger

Here I am writing a blank verse about human hunger with the title Ravenous Instincts: A Tale of Endless Hunger for you as described under: “Since alive, the beast of hunger grows and grows, worried that it is feeding on all the life around it. The domination of this starving beast is spreading through the […]

November 28, 2023 TauseefKazmi No Comments

Whispers of an Unheard Heart

“My thoughts vapourized in the air, in certain, is a plea of that; it was a building fire within me, dreamed and plotted with abandon in a blind alley, how can be someone so lost forever, even angels would have listened, and in the end, all been quelled by impassiveness of somebody around.” Tauseef Kazmi

November 28, 2023 TauseefKazmi No Comments

The Enigma of Purity

In the hallowed abode of my thoughts, I behold the image of my mother, a portrait of sacred poise and pristine grace. Her countenance, adorned with an ethereal glow, exudes a transcendent purity that emanates from within. Yet, within the depths of my contemplation, I find myself grappling with the intricate tapestry of existence, as […]

November 28, 2023 TauseefKazmi No Comments

Ravenous Instincts: A Tale of Endless Hunger

“Since alive, the beast of hunger grows and grows, worried its feeding on all the life around, the domination of this starving beast is spreading through whole body, as the hunger stems from very instincts adhered in infinite. This fierce notion undressed me into nakedness. Seems much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the […]