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Tag: wisdom

January 10, 2024 TauseefKazmi No Comments

Wisdom in the Digital Age: Navigating Social Media’s Impact on Decision-Making

Following the utmost and significant need of time to pursue wisdom at this time, I have picked the title for the readers today: “Wisdom in the Digital Age: Navigating Social Media’s Impact on Decision-Making,” as under: In an age dominated by social media, the shift towards digital platforms raises essential questions about intellect, decision-making, and […]

November 30, 2023 TauseefKazmi No Comments

“Harmony of Destiny: Navigating Success Through the Dance of Hard Work and Serendipity”

Unfolding ‘Harmony of Destiny’: Navigating Success Through the Dance of Hard Work and Serendipity” In the grand scheme of life, success and luck are often seen as two opposing forces that can determine one’s destiny. Some argue that success is achieved through hard work, dedication, and determination, while others believe that luck plays a significant […]